Kata Kunci:
Survei Kejahatan Dunia Maya, Riset Google Form, Pengalaman Kejahatan DigitalAbstrak
Riset ini dilatarbelakangi oleh informasi survey yang menampilkan kalau sebagian orang belumsempat hadapi cyber crime. Tipe riset ini memakai tata cara kuantitatif yangdimana kita memakai google form selaku wadah kita buat mengenali berapa banyakorang yang sempat serta tidak sempat hadapi cyber crime tersebut. Cyber crime merupakanpemakaian personal pc jadi indera buat menggapai tujuan ilegal, semacam penipuan, pornografi anak, pencurian informasi fitur, pelanggaran pribadi. Kalau terpaut penafsiran, konsep danteori yang melaporkan kalau memakai pc selaku sarana utama yang membuatsistem serta sarana pc jadi sasaran ataupun akses ilegal ialah perbuatan tanpa hakserta melawan hukum memiliki terminologi yang diucap “wederrechteliik”.
This research is motivated by survey informasi which shows that some people have never experiencedcybercrime. This type of research uses a quantitative method in which we use the google form asour forum to find out how many people have and have never experienced cybercrime. Cybercrime is the use of personal computers as senses to achieve illegal purposes, such as fraud,child pornography, feature informasi theft, and invasion of privacy. Whereas related to theunderstanding, concepts, and theories which state that using a computer as the main facility thatmakes computer systems and facilities a sasaran or illegal access is an act without rights andagainst the law, there is a terminology called" wederrechtelik" Keywords: Cybercrime, surveyinformasi, social research.